Letting go

Letting go

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Letting Go

Well, I have never blogged before. For some reason I feel like I am getting too old to post my thoughts on facebook, and have concluded that blogging matches my age better? I will admit that I am a planner. So, as I was searching for a picture for this blog, I am reminding myself that I need to let go of the control I have had for the past few years of being able to pick my sons' Halloween costume. I have had so much fun dressing my boys up like "current events" It started with Blake dressing as Michael Phelps his second Halloween, his third Halloween he was the "Swine Flu", and last year he and his brother were "BP oil" and "an oily duck". So, keeping in Classen fashion of planning ahead, Blake has already informed me on many occasions that he will be picking his own costume this year. He will be "Iron Man" of his own choosing. I have nothing against Iron Man, and I am so glad to see that my boy is becoming his own man. I just have a sadness that the phase of life is quickly coming to an end where I can make many of these choices for my boys.


  1. yay! glad to see you started a blog!!!

  2. lauren: you were my inspiration in blogging, i copied the blog format you use, so thanks for your help and see ya tomorrow.

  3. Blogging is fun! I just forget to do it sometimes. But it's a great "diary" when you are a busy mom!
